Further Resources


On this page:



Tools and resources




Type of Resource

Local Green Infrastructure

Helping communities make the most of their landscape

Landscape Institute (2011)

Guidance document

Nature Nearby

Accessible Natural Greenspace Guidance: covering how local green space access can be assessed, improved and enhanced and the policy context for action.

Natural England (2010)

Guidance document

North West Green Infrastructure Guide

North West Green Infrastructure Think Tank (2008)

Guidance document

Ecosystems Services

Resources to support the adoption of an ‘Ecosystems Approach’ covering evidence, information to support awareness-raising, case studies and tools for valuing ecosystem services and a rationale for action.


Guidance and tools

Practice Guide

For designing greenspace for enhancing health and wellbeing

Forestry Commission with Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, NHS Scotland and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit

Guidance document

Signposting of Green Infrastructure information

Covers aspects of development and maintenance

Natural England (2014)


STAR tools

User-friendly models for estimating local surface temperature and run-off profiles (tools for assessing the potential of green infrastructure in adapting urban areas to climate change)

Mersey Forest and the University of Manchester


Brighter Futures Together Toolkit

Guidelines for Local Communities wishing to develop community green spaces

Sustainable Communities North East Initiative (SCNEI)


What nature can do for you?

A practical introduction to making the most of natural services, assets and resources in policy and decision making


Defra (2010)








Type of Resource

Adaptation by Design

Provides a concise and easy-to-understand introduction to solutions at building, neighbourhood and conurbation scale.

Town and Country Planning Association (2011)


Briefing on Green Infrastructure in the United Kingdom (2013) Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Briefing Document

Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’

Landscape and Urban Planning 125 234-244.

Discussion of issues associated with green infrastructure and environmental justice.

Wolch et al (2014)

Journal Article

The role of green infrastructure in climate change adaptation in London

The Geographical Journal, Vol. 180, No. 2, pp. 191–196

Jones and Somper (2014)

Journal Article

Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence

Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 147–155

Literature review and a meta-analysis of green space cooling impacts

Bowler et al (2010)

Academic Article

Effect of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure on indoor environment: A literature review

Building and Environment 77 (2014) 88-100

Literature review of the benefits of urban green infrastructure on indoor environments, including cost savings from cooling and air quality.

Wang et al (2014)

Journal Article

UK National Ecosystem Assessment

Extensive review of ecosystem services associated with different types of green space. Follow-up documents are also available via the UK NEA website.





Case Studies




Type of Resource

Green infrastructure case studies from across the UK

Fact sheet summaries of a range of different interventions in urban and rural areas.

Natural England

Set of online case studies

Case studies showing opportunities for Green Infrastructure

Interventions for flood management and SUDS, biodiversity planning and ecological networks

Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

Case studies in a report of green infrastructure benefits.

The role of Green Infrastructure and selected case studies

Relevant strategies and case studies (2016)

Environment Agency Presentation

Local green infrastructure

A set of eight case studies of green infrastructure interventions

Landscape Institute

Case studies in a report of green infrastructure benefits.

Tree and Woodland strategy case studies

Developed as part of the 2011 London Plan implementation framework 'Green Infrastructure & Open Environment case studies'

Mayor of London and Forestry Commission (2013)

Two case studies in report format.

The value of mapping green infrastructure

Case studies illustrating what can be gained from mapping and assessment local resources

Mersey Forest and the Ordnance Survey



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