New data updates now online.

New data updates now online.

We are pleased to announce that the Climate Just team have recently updated the Climate Just map tool resources. The work includes making finer resolution data available for heat (using Lower Super Output Area geography) and using UKCP18 climate projection datasets. The update was funded by Friends of the Earth. It follows FoE’s use of Climate Just resources within their analysis of climate-friendly areas.

Further updates are now available as part of the NERC funded Digital Solutions Programme via the Map Tool link at the top of the page.

Since the re-launch of the website in early 2018, Climate Just has featured in European and UK practitioner guidance and helped to bring a stronger social emphasis into UK climate change risk assessments and national adaptation plans. By Dec 2020, more than 1500 people had registered to use the re-launched map tool. Local government users are still our largest user group, representing nearly a quarter of all users of the mapping resources. Other users include central government and agencies, health organisations, research organisations, charities, and community groups. Users of the Climate Just resources report a range of positive outcomes due to being able to learn more about local climate-related vulnerability and disadvantage and connect this new knowledge to associated actions.

Please contact us if you have questions or are interested to work with us on any of the Climate Just themes.

Climate Just Data Updates (2022)

We are pleased to provide updated social vulnerability and disadvantage data for England and Wales. Data have been updated for both heat and flood themes.

You can download the new data below and work with the data directly from the relaunched map tool.

What’s new?

  • Indicator data have been updated following funding received from Friends of the Earth. Although the update does not contain data from the 2021 Census of Population, most data could be updated with other sources.
  • Several new indicators have been added, for example to take account of internet availability.
  • Social vulnerability to heat data have been updated and calculated for the Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) geography.
  • Heat disadvantage data have been updated to include data from UKCP18.

What’s available?

  • The data are available in spreadsheet format.
  • The spreadsheet contains readme and metadata tabs explaining the contents and sources used.
  • Users wishing to map the results can use LSOA codes to join to the data to geographical boundaries, i.e. 2011 Lower Super Output Areas.

What’s in the relaunched map tool?

  • The new version of the mapping tool allows you to interact with the updated versions of the Climate Just data, as well as the older versions of the data.
  • The new mapping tool also features:
    • Enhanced filtering options.
    • Additional datasets from UKCP18.
    • The ability to link Climate Just data directly into external platforms.

Download new data from here:

These updates have been possible due to funding provided by Friends of the Earth and the Natural Environment Research Council via the University of Manchester’s Digital Solutions programme.

Please be aware that Indicator N2 has been found to contain an error. We estimate that the impact of the error is up to +/-5% in the overall 2022 social vulnerability indices. We are currently working on the necessary corrections.

July 2024