Local Climate Impacts Profile

Local Climate Impacts Profile

Developed by: UKCIP

This tool is part of UKCIP’s Adaptation Wizard. It was initially developed for public bodies but can be used in a range of different organisations. It focuses on analysing the impacts of exposure to past events using a range of evidence including media reports and interviews with staff within an organisation of interest. Resources include online guidance and a spreadsheet to assist the process of gathering and assessing information. There are many examples of LCLIPs which can be drawn on to support activities and ideas can also be incorporated with a range of other tools which now offer similar support for decision-making activities. The process can be used to consider the social impacts of events and develop an improved understanding of which local communities tend to be disproportionately affected during a range of extreme weather events.

Guidance on how to conduct an LCLIP is provided by UKCIP here.