Partnership funding guide

Partnership funding guide

Developed by: Halcrow and CIRIA for Defra, the Environment Agency and the Local Government Association (2012)

This tool is an interactive pdf that is designed to provide support and advice for Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) on generating funding through partnerships. Although it is not a tool that specifically addresses social vulnerability or socially just adaptation to climate change, it deals with a particularly prevalent extreme weather event - flooding.

The guidance may assist users with understanding different types of funding, how to access them and how best to work with partners in order to raise match funding. Schemes can range from ‘hard’ engineering projects to ‘softer’ measures, such as increasing flood risk awareness. Such responses can be made more effective if they consider how some individuals and communities can be more flood disadvantaged than others.

An additional tool for identifying funding opportunities is contained within the pdf. LLFAs can select the type of area for which they hope to gain funding; one of the options being an area that is materially deprived, for example, although most of the options relate to particular land uses and classes, for example, a heritage site or a business area.

This tool should be used in conjunction with other Climate Just resources, such as the map portal, to understand where social vulnerability is located and where funding resources might be allocated. This may help LLFAs who struggle to attract local funding (e.g. from local residents) to contribute to property-level flooding schemes.

Access the tool here.
