4. Avoid starting from scratch: what can be done?

Use these tools, resources and case studies



Scoring and comparing climate risks to a local area © Climate UK


A range of resources are available on this site to help you to identify and support vulnerable people who may be disproportionately affected by climate impacts or particular policy or practice responses.


Local authorities, representatives of the voluntary and community sector, the Environment Agency and Joseph Rowntree Foundation have helped in the process of identifying which tools and resources are likely to be the most useful but the list is not intended to be exhaustive. It is also important to stress that the list is also not intended to act as a formal endorsement of specific tools and resources, rather it aims to raise awareness of what is available to support your work. 


The materials given in the list can help you to:

  • Make good use of your resources for long-term benefit (although some initial input may be needed);
  • Follow structured approaches that can help partnerships to improve the efficiency of policies that are delivered to communities;
  • Make a strong and defensible case for adaptation (or tackling carbon emissions or fuel poverty), including from a social justice perspective;
  • Capture data that will help users to realise actions and to evaluate their effectiveness;
  • Look at climate-related impacts from a range of perspectives and make better informed decisions as a result;
  • Learn from others’ experiences.