Climate Adaptation in Practice in Birmingham

Climate Adaptation in Practice in Birmingham

Friday 22nd December, 2017

A one day event 'Climate Adaptation in Practice' is being held at the University of Birmingham on 4th January 2018 organised by Sustainability West Midlands and will feature a half day Climate Just training workshop. This is one of a number of events being held by the Climate Just projct team at the University of Manchester over autumn - winter 2017/18 as part of the current legacy project supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 

Part One 09:30 to 12:15 – Climate Adaptation in Practice

This half of the day will focus on how organisations from various sectors are adapting to climate change and the impacts of extreme weather. It will focus on the methods and tools organisations have used to improve their adaptive capacity and will look at physical and practical ways that organisations have adapted their assets to the impacts of climate change, including flooding, heatwaves and storms. Confirmed participants include:

  • Defra, who will be setting the national context and providing more information about the new National Adaptation Programme

  • Environment Agency

  • Cambridge City Council

  • National Flood Forum

  • Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust

Part Two 13:00 to 16:00 – Climate Just Training

This training session aims to increase the number of people who are comfortable in using and applying the tool in practice to help reduce climate risks to vulnerable groups. Participants will work through various structured exercises, preview the newly updated version of the site and work in small groups to apply the tool to local cicumstances.