Climate Just previewed in Manchester, 17th December 2014

Climate Just previewed in Manchester, 17th December 2014

Thursday 18th December, 2014

Fifty stakeholders from the north west gathered in the Manchester Mechanics Conference Centre on 17th December 2014 for the first of five events designed to preview the new Climate Just website. This series of events is being organised by Climate UK and the Manchester event was hosted by Climate Change North West, with Dan Griffiths from CCNW in the chair.

Speakers included Katharine Knox from Joseph Rowntree Foundation, who talked about JRF's research work on climate justice being the starting point for the development of the Climate Just website, Kit England from Newcastle City Council and the Core Cities Network, who talked about Newcastle's experience of using vulnerability mapping to inform council policy and Rachel Brisley from JBA consultants who talked about her company's work for Wigan Council in adaptation planning.

The event was something of a celebration of achievement for many of the people who have been involved in the project, including members of the project advisory group who had provided input over a long period. Manchester has been the centre of the project, with the University providing most of the content and map tool, Creative Concern designing and building the website and project team meetings being held there on a regular basis.

Stakeholder feedback was very positive and comments about the most useful parts included:

  • How this can be used locally.
  • Exploring the tool.
  • Using the tool. Example of application in Wigan – put as a case study film on website?
  • Thinking about how we could use the resource around food issues.
  • Discussion around the tool.
  • Mapping tool and having the opportunity to test it.
  • The resource website and tools.
  • Chance to play with the website.
  • Hands on use of the tool.
  • Where to go for context and data.

Four further preview events will be held in the New Year before the site goes live.