First user testing 30th July 2014

First user testing 30th July 2014

Thursday 24th July, 2014

The first user testing event for the new Climate Just webtool is taking place on Wednesday 30th July 2014 at an IT Training suite in London. This is something of a milestone for the project team, who have worked very hard over the last six months to get the site ready. The team includes Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Environmment Agency, who have worked with the University of Manchester's School of Environment and Development to generate, amend and approve a huge amount of written, data and map content, Manchester-based communications agency Creative Concern who have designed and built the main site, the University of Manchester's Centre for Urban Policy Studies who have designed and built the mapping tool and Climate UK, who have been project and website content managers, and who are rolling out a programme of user testing and engagement.