Further resources


On this page:


Tools and Resources




Type of Resource

Legal Rights and Duties relating to flooding for property owners

Covers the legal framework, frequently asked questions and a set of further resources to help with raising awareness.

UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA)

Online summary of points of environmental law

Adaptation Wizard

Step by step guide to adaptation planning



Community Flood Plan Template

Template for establishing a community flood plan

Environment Agency

Plan Template

Flood Action Groups

Guidance on how to form a flood action group

National Flood Forum


Green Roofs: sustainability briefing

Guidance on what green roofs are, why use them and how they

are constructed

Institution of Structural Engineers


LCLIP: Local Climate Impacts Profile

Tool showing how to understand the local climate based on historical information and events



Planning for Climate Change - Guidance and model policies for local authorities



Guidance and model policies

Overheating in homes

Evidence and guidance highlighting risks from energy efficiency of overheating and measures to overcome this. Also see later report with the findings of a two year study, The Big Picture.

Zero Carbon Hub

Research and Guidance

Ready for flooding - before, during, after

Information on how to identify if properties are at risk of flooding, how to increase resilience to flooding and what action to take if flooding occurs

National Flood Forum


Flooding and Coastal Change – Resources for England

Portal containing information on sources of information for different groups in Scotland.

Environment Agency and Government Departments


Flooding - Resources and Research for Scotland

Portal containing information on sources of information for different groups in Scotland.

Scottish Government (2018)


Wales Resilience

Risks We Face / Y risgiau. Online document on risks in Wales and sources of information to help communities with various risks, including severe weather and flooding

Wales Resilience Forum and the Local Resilience Forums of North Wales, South Wales, Dyfed-Powys and Gwent.


Development Advice Map (DAM)

Tool to assist with the identification of areas at risk of flooding for the purposes of land-use planning in Wales. Part of a wider geoportal.

Natural Resources Wales

Map tool

Adaptation Scotland Tools and Resource web pages

A set of resources together with a guiding process aimed at a range of audiences including the public sector, businesses and communities to help support adaptation and building resilience. Tools can be searched according to sector, stage and resource type.

Adaptation Scotland

Resource pack/compilation

Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) 

A set of resources for local action with a global reach. It covers case studies, tools and a Don’t Panic guide to getting started on your Adaptation Journey.

EcoAdapt and Island Press

Resource pack/compilation

UKCP18 Projections

The UKCP18 project will update the UKCP09 projections over UK land areas and update UKCP09 projections of sea-level rise, giving greater regional detail, further analysis of the risks we face, both nationally and globally, and provide more information on potential extremes and impacts of climate change.


Data and mapping

Resource Map

Map provide links to over 300 free resourcesfrom policy guidance, to case-studies, toolkits, presentations and fact-sheets

CLASP (2011)

Signposting to various

Set up a community group

General information on issues that need to be considered in setting up a community group – not climate change specific

Brighter Futures Together


Sustainable communities

Tools, advice and guidance to address the sustainability of communities, and to independently certify the sustainability of planning proposals


Various resources

Tools, guides and reports

Tools, guides and reports to help businesses and public sector organisations address climate change and harness the economic benefits from the move to a low-carbon economy

Carbon Trust

Further Information




UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017

Official assessment of climate change risks in the UK.



UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report & Synthesis

Independent assessment covering natural environment, infrastructure, people and the built environment, Business and industry and international dimensions.

Committee on Climate Change


National Flood Resilience Review

Information on methods for assessing flood risk, adapting and enhancing resilience.

HM Government (2016)


Studies and Reports on Flood Risk

Compilation of information on changing flood risk in Wales and the UK more widely

Welsh Government (2018) 



Climate change and communities

Evidence and research to help develop practical solutions for communities facing the consequences of climate change in the UK

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Website with links to publications

Reports and Research

Information about current projects and recent reports from the TCPA on climate related themes. Separate pages are available on social justice issues.

Town and Country Planning Association

Website with links to materials

Case Studies



Green infrastructure Resource Library

Open access resources including videos, tools and case studies


Online resources

Green infrastructure case studies from across the UK: fact sheet summaries of a range of different interventions in urban and rural areas

Natural England (archived content)

Set of online case studies