Planning for the Climate Challenge

Planning for the Climate Challenge

Wednesday 1st November, 2017

A programme of five workshops for council officers and elected members involved in the spatial planning process starts in November 2018. Organised by the Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA) and supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), this follows on from a study that TCPA did for JRF in 2016 about the level to which English councils were incorporating climate change considerations into local spatial plans.

One of the conclusions drawn from the sample of 64 local plans studied was that 'local plans in England are not dealing with carbon dioxide emissions reduction effectively, nor are they consistently delivering the adaptation actions necessary to secure the long-term social and economic resilience of local communities.'

The findings of the study 'Planning for the Climate Challenge' are to be discussed at the following events, along with presentations and demonstrations of the Climate Just tool.

  • 22nd November - TCPA offices, London

  • 27th November - Leeds Civic Hall

  • 28th November - Bristol City Hall

  • 1st December - Carlisle Civic Centre

  • 19th January - Melton Mowbray

Email the TCPA for more details or call 020 7930 8903.