Older People: Further resources


On this page:



Tools and resources



Type of Resource

Flooding: be prepared, a guide for older people

Environment Agency with Help the Aged


Information summary (online) for preparing for and dealing with flooding. Based on Environment Agency information.



Pets and Flooding advice about what to do to prepare for companion animals, based on Environment Agency guidance

Blue Cross


Under the Weather toolkit

Climate Ready/SDU


Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCLIP)

Designed to support the UKCIP Climate Adaptation Wizard, this tool supports local assessments of past weather-related events and their impacts as a basis for understanding the possible impacts of future weather-related events.



Guidance and Spreadsheets

Finding out what a dementia friendly community means to people with dementia and carers. Toolkit for engaging people with dementia and carers

Hampshire County Council


Community Resilience Toolkit

Aimed at local communities and the organisations working with them, this set of resources supports the process of understanding local needs and developing emergency plans based on those needs

Cabinet Office (UK)


Reports, checklists and case studies

Severe Weather Impacts Monitoring System (SWIMS)

A data collection tool to encourage learning about the impacts of and responses to past extreme weather events as the basis for improved future decision-making.

Kent County Council


Online Tool

Built Infrastructure for Older People’s Care in Conditions of Climate Change (BIOPICCC) Toolkit

Aimed at anyone with a role in supporting health and social care for older people. Resources cover understanding needs and protecting infrastructure.

Durham University

Health and Social Care

Online Tool

Cold Weather Plan for England (2013)

The plan provides the framework for action during specific periods of very cold weather. It includes an ‘equality analysis’ and other resources which can assist local decision-making

Public Health England/NHS

Health and social care sector

Reports and action cards.

Advice produced through the Heat-wave plan for England 2013

The heat-wave plan contains advice for a range of practitioners and the public

Public Health England

Advice for different groups

Housing our Ageing Population: Plan for Implementation HAPPI, Final report

Considers the specific housing needs of older people and provides a set of case studies for good practice.

All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People

Report and Guidance

A selection of planning and design resources for specialist housing for older people


Housing LIN


Public Health Outcomes Data Tool

A set of indicators and associated data about public health and health inequalities supporting the Public Health Outcomes Framework. Data Indicators are updated on a regular basis and available at a range of geographies across England

Public Health England

Health sector


Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE)

A mapping tool principally aiming to support strategic planning of health services and infrastructure but which has a role in providing more effective adaptation solutions.

Department of Health

Health Sector

Online Tool

Your Human Rights A guide for older people


Overview of what human rights legislation means for older people with a number of case examples of how human rights can be breached, including through health care, housing and social services.  Second edition

British Institute of Human Rights (2010)

Guidance document

Advice for care home managers and staff: supporting vulnerable people before and during a heat-wave


Public Health England

Health sector

Guidance document

Advice for health and social care practitioners: supporting vulnerable people before and during a heat-wave

Public Health England

Health sector

Guidance document

Flooding and mental health: essential information for front-line responders

Health Protection Agency

Health sector Guidance document

How volunteer groups can help in emergencies

Guidance and resources to assist volunteer groups including legislative links  and information about the Voluntary Sector Civil Protection Forum

Cabinet Office

Advice for volunteer groups

Vulnerable People and Climate Change Project report

From a 2 year project looking at improving information about climate impacts, adaptation measures, carbon emissions reduction and related campaigning.


Report – evidence, analysis and recommendations






Type of Resource

Don’t stop me now Preparing for an ageing population


An investigation of how older people can best be supported to increase their long-term independence and health with a set of actions for local government.  

Audit Commission (2008)


Growing Old in a Changing Climate


Meeting the challenges of an ageing population and climate change A summary of evidence and recommendations for action from the perspective of older groups.


Haq, G., Whitelegg, J. and Kohler, M (2008)


Older People and Climate Change: the Case for Better Engagement


Stockholm Environment Institute, Project Report – 2010 Centring on climate mitigation but with a lot of information and recommendations which are relevant to mitigation and adaptation measures.

Haq, G., Brown, D. and Hards, S (2010)


Managing climate risks to well-being and the economy

Progress Report 2014. Looks at progress towards preparing for climate change impacts. The ASC have also developed a set of indicators designed to help track progress which will be useful to review at the local level.

Adaptation Sub-Committee (2014)


Climate Change and Social Justice: An Evidence Review


A review of recent evidence, including from projects funded through the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Preston, I, Banks, N, Hargreaves, K. Kazmierczak, A, Lucas, K Mayne, R Downing C and  Street, R (2014)


UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: Evidence Report, London



Sustainable, Resilient, Healthy People & Places

A Sustainable Development Strategy for the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system

Public Health England and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit (2014)


Adaptation to Climate Change for Health and Social care organisations “Co-ordinated, Resilient, Prepared”.

NHS Sustainable development Unit (2012)


Health Technical Memorandum 07-07: Sustainable health and social care buildings

Department of Health


Impacts of climate change on disadvantaged UK coastal communities

Zsamboky et al (2011)


The Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK 2012

Vardoulakis & Heaviside (2012)




Case studies and examples



Type of Resource

Don’t stop me now. Preparing for an ageing population

Local government National report, July 2008. Contains 23 case studies and ideas of actions related to supporting older people.

Audit Commission (2008)

Case Studies (external) and links to other tools and resources

Greater Manchester Local Climate Impacts Profile


Online example of an LCLIP

Snow Angels

Based in Cheshire, this is the result of a partnership between organisations involved in health, housing, environmental & emergency planning and the local community to provide community-based responses to extreme cold weather in a rural area

Climate Just team with Snow Angels representatives

Case Study

Islington Seasonal Health Interventions Network (SHINE)

The project was established to tackle the causes of fuel poverty and excess winter deaths and hospital admissions in a holistic way


Case Study

Vulnerable People and Climate Change

Project report from a 2 year project looking at improving information about climate impacts, adaptation measures, carbon emissions reduction and related campaigning. The project involved more than 50 organisations from which 20 drew up action plans on adaptation and/or carbon reduction related to their specific activities.


Case studies and personal views from the voluntary sector



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