5. Avoid starting from scratch: how can we do it?

Decide what you want to do and at what level


  1. Use the Adaptation Tools diagram (right) and the Resources index page to locate a tool relevant for your sector, purpose, or the vulnerable group that you may be trying to support. Tools and resources identified here from external websites come with some introductory text and an explanation of how they can help in the delivery of actions which aim to reduce social vulnerability, build resilience and develop socially just responses to climate change and extreme weather events. Other tools are also available on fuel poverty and climate change mitigation which are not covered here.


  1. Look at examples and case studies showing what others have done. Each of the Climate Just case studies follows a particular structure. After summarising its aims, and who might benefit from reading it, the case study gives in-depth coverage on the steps taken in order to realise the action; including making a case for action, guiding principles and next steps. A number of external case studies are also referenced from other sections of this website. 


  1. Review the ‘How to’ documents for an insight into how particular tools, resources and data were used by other local authorities when planning their responses to climate change, or how you can do other tasks related to the materials in this website.


  1. Before committing to using one particular tool or resource, there are a number of questions to ask and actions to take:


  1. Think about the characteristics of the potentially vulnerable group that you are addressing: Are you mainly interested in people who are older? Or who have pre-existing health conditions? Is your primary interest in people who live in particular housing types? Look for tools which cover these groups and case studies that are similar. However, it is also important to recognise that the most extremely socially vulnerable people often don’t belong in a single vulnerable group. Even if you have a primary interest in a particular group it is important to think about how vulnerabilities within the group may differ. For example the vulnerabilities of older people will vary as a result of income, housing, mobility and social networks.


  1. See also: Which places are disadvantaged in relation to climate impacts and extreme weather events?


  1. Think about the main issue that you are trying to address: Is it health? Or might it be housing? There will be tools that can help you with the particular sector that you are working in. However, many issues cut across sectors and you might need to think about the other partners that you can involve.


  1. See more about working in partnership.


  1. Think about the data that you have access to and data which you can access relatively easily. Where a tool suggests collecting data, ensure that this can be updated relatively easily otherwise the tool may become redundant.


  1. See Section 5. Further Resources (above) for information about using data and ideas provided in this website. For example officers at Wigan Council are using their own data holdings with data from the Climate Just map tool as a means of producing local adaptation plans and Hampshire County Council have developed their own data resources based on the framework published in earlier JRF reports.


  1. Try to select the resources that contain information that may be relevant to the geographical area or social context in which you are trying to implement a strategy. Not all guidance documents and case studies are easy to transfer. For example, affluent areas may be able to draw upon more financial resources than are available in less affluent areas. Some communities may also have better social networks than others. If taking an idea from a very different geographical and social context, you may need to consider additional measures to make that strategy effective in your area.


  1. Think about the methods employed in the tools you are using and consider the ways that some methods may favour some groups over others. E.g. in terms of who has a say in developing responses or how people and places are represented such as within ‘cost-benefit’ approaches.


  1. Consider using a range of different approaches, tools and methods to gather different perspectives on the issues that are being tackled.


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