Roles, responsibilities and tasks



User feedback Leeds Climate Just event, Jan 2014 © Climate UK


This website aims to support organisations working with communities who are vulnerable to climate change to develop fair and equitable responses which will increase local resilience. It will be relevant to people working in a whole range of roles, especially:


  • local authorities (including spatial planners, climate change and sustainability officers, public health, housing and social care officers)
  • organisations providing social care, health and housing services
  • the voluntary and community sector
  • others working with vulnerable communities.


What does it offer?


Feedback from user testing event, Leicester, October 2014 © Climate UK


It will help you to:


  1. These can be found throughout the site in relation to the issues of concern – so for example, under different vulnerable groups, or under the fuel poverty section, ideas for action are noted. For general adaptation responses see What actions support resilience?

What is relevant to my role?


Local authority officers adaptation planning © Climate UK


Many sections of this website will be relevant to all users, particularly the sections explaining who is vulnerable to climate impacts, which places are disadvantaged and what actions can be taken to support resilience.


The following diagram provides an overview of the main material and its relevance to particular roles. Please note that this is indicative only and material may be relevant to people in other roles beyond those noted. You can also download an interactive version of the diagram (right) which is fully hyperlinked for convenience.



Figure 1. Roles and responsibilities in relation to website content



Feedback from user testing event, Leicester, October 2014 © Climate UK


In addition you may have a particular task to do. Some examples of tasks undertaken by local authorities are offered below, like developing a green infrastructure plan or identifying who is in fuel poverty for instance, with suggestions as to which areas of the website content are most relevant. There are also examples of more generic content underneath which may be useful for a wider range of tasks.


There is also an interactive version of this (right) that can be downloaded which is fully hyperlinked to all the listed pages.




Figure 2. Finding material to support a particular task on the website


Stakeholders at the Climate Just preview event in Manchester, December 2014  © Climate UK


We are interested in your feedback on the content of the Climate Just website. If there are areas which you think are missing or where you would like to see new content developed, please contact us. We may not be able to take on all new ideas, but we welcome your input in helping us to consider what we do.


Thank you


The Climate Just project partners