6. Fostering ties: further resources


Tools and resources



Type of Resource

Community Resilience Toolkit

Aimed at local communities and the organisations working with them, this set of resources supports the process of understanding local needs and developing emergency plans based on those needs.

Cabinet Office (UK)


Reports, checklists and case studies

Heatwave Plan for England (2013)

The plan provides the framework for action during specific periods of very hot weather. It includes an ‘equality analysis’ and other resources which can assist local decision-making.

Public Health England/NHS

Health and social care sector

Report and actions

National Flood Emergency Framework for England aims to support building the foundation for effective emergency responses to flooding. Links are given to equivalent guidance for the devolved administrations.

Defra (2013)

Emergency flood response guidance

Advice and information to support volunteers and volunteer managers


Good practice bank

Flood and Coastal erosion: risk management authorities.

Who's responsible for flood and coastal erosion risk management, what they must do, and guidance on how to do it.

Defra (2015) Resource
Flood Plan guidance for communitites and groups

Practical advice for communities and groups on preparing a flood plan and keeping safe during flooding.

Defra (2012) Resource


Case Studies & Stories



Type of Resource

Starting up a flood action group, Flood Action4 Buckingham

An example of one of the 160+ flood action groups supported which bring communities together, support people through the preparation process and provide a point of contact for the variety of agencies that help to manage flooding.

ClimateJust team with Roger Parkinson

Internal case study

Flood action groups

Working with your Community – how to set up a flood action plan. The webpages also link to further guidance and templates.

Buckinghamshire County Council

External case study

Community case studies of partnership working to reduce flood risk. Calderdale 9West Yorkshire, Charlton (Worcester), Purley (Surrey), Lostwithie (Cornwall).

National Flood Forum

External case study


Based in Cheshire, Snow Angels is the result of a partnership between organisations involved in health, housing, environmental & emergency planning and the local community to provide community-based responses to extreme cold weather in a rural area.

ClimateJust team with Cathy Boyd

Case Study (internal)

Fowley Brook Information about work on an urban river catchment in the City of Stoke-on-Trent. Built as a collaboration between the Environment Agency, Stoke on Trent City Council and Staffordshire University, the project also emphasises the role of local communities.

Environment Agency

Case Study (EA)

Environment Agency case studies of partnership working: Poole, Carlisle, Cornwall.

Environment Agency

Case studies (external)

Ecocities project – a multi-organisation research partnership.

University of Manchester

Case Study (internal)

CASE studentship – collaborating through PhD sponsorship.

Newcastle City Council and Northumbria University

Case Study (internal)

Defra pathfinder projects

Links to a number of projects which are trailing new community based initiatives to build resilience to flooding. A set of projects exploring community resilience to coastal erosion are already completed.


External web content

Gloucestershire Village and Community Agents Provides information and points of contact for the over 50s to support independent living and a good quality of life.

Gloucester Rural Community Council

Case study summary and website

Examples of the personal benefits of volunteering for young people.


Case studies of personal stories (external)

Examples of a range of case studies in health and social care including working with socially isolated individuals, older people and those with a range of physical and mental health needs.

Skills for Health

Cases studies (external)

Personal case studies of volunteer benefits.

Voluntary Action Sheffield

Cases studies (external)

Examples of the range of benefits that volunteers have found as a result of participation.

VolunteerNow (Northern Ireland)

Case studies of personal stories

Transition Town initiative Information about the work of the UK-based transition town charity which aims to help support the dual aims of building community resilience and reducing carbon dioxide emissions in communities across the world.

Transition Network

Case study (internal)



The Audit Commission, 2005. Governing Partnerships: Bridging the Accountability Gap. London: The Audit Commission. 

Bovaird, T. 2007. Beyond engagement and participation: User and community coproduction of public services. Public Administration Review, 67(5), 846-860.

David Boyle, Sherry Clark and Sarah Burns. 2006. Co-production by people outside paid employment. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Benzie, M., Harvey, A., Burningham, K., Hodgson, N., & Siddiqi, A. (2011). Vulnerability to heatwaves and drought: adaptation to climate change. York, UK: The Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 

Brodie, E., Cowling, E., Nissen, N, Ellis Paine, A., Jochum, V., and Warburton, D (2009) Understanding participation: A literature review

DCLG (2006) Strong and prosperous communities. The Local Government White Paper.

Defra (2012) Coastal Change Pathfinder Review Final Report

Defra (2013) National Flood Emergency Framework for England

Hashagen, S., Kennedy, J.,  Paterson, A. and Sharp, C. 2011. Doing with, not to: community resilience and co-production [the implications for NHS Education for Scotland, Glasgow: Scottish Community Development Centre.

Holstein, A. N (2010) GRaBS Expert Paper 2 Participation in climate change adaptation

Johnson, V., Simms, A., Walker, P. and Ryan-Collins, J. (2010) Bridging the gap between climate change, resource scarcity and social justice. London: Carnegie UK Trust

Lane, S. N., Odoni, N., Landström, C., Whatmore, S. J., Ward, N. and Bradley, S. 2011. Doing flood risk science differently: an experiment in radical scientific method. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36: 15–36. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2010.00410.

National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Participation: trends, facts and figures

Twigger-Ross, C., Coates, T., Deeming, H., Orr, P., Ramsden M. and Stafford, J. 2011. Community Resilience Research: Final Report on Theoretical research and analysis of Case Studies report to the Cabinet Office and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd, London.

Whittle, R. et al. 2010. After the Rain – learning the lessons from flood recovery in Hull, final project report for “Flood, Vulnerability and Urban Resilience: a real-time study of local recovery following the floods of June 2007 in Hull”, Lancaster University, Lancaster UK 

Wolf, J.,  Lorenzoni, I.,  Few, R.,  Abrahamson, V., Raine, R. 2009. Conceptual and practical barriers to adaptation: vulnerability and responses to heat waves in the UK. In W.N. Adger, I. Lorenzoni, K.L. O’Brien (Eds.), Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 181–196

Zsamboky, M., Fernández-Bilbao, A., Smith, D., Knight, J., & Allan, J. (2011). Impacts of climate change on disadvantaged UK coastal communities. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.