Neighbourhoods without much greenspace

People living in neighbourhoods without much greenspace


Credit: JRF/Tim Smith

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People living in neighbourhoods with very little greenspace, especially in urban areas, may experience more extreme impacts from events like flooding and heat-waves. 'Green infrastructure' provides a way to improve local neighbourhood environments and better regulate climate change and extreme weather impacts. 

The impacts of climate change and extreme weather events can affect anyone, but people living in certain types of neighbourhoods have the potential for more serious harm. Neighbourhoods which are more built up than others are more likely to be associated with higher temperatures, especially during heat waves1.  They can also be associated with higher rates of runoff from extreme rainfall, although this is also affected by other factors such as drainage infrastructure and topographic characteristics2.


How green infrastructure can regulate the local environment


‘Green infrastructure’ can be used to increase community resilience to a range of climate-related impacts and provide wider benefits for human health and wellbeing. It can be comprised of natural or semi-natural areas of vegetation, water bodies and other non built-up land and can exist as managed or unmanaged, public or private and small or large zones3,4. Therefore components of green infrastructure can include gardens, green walls and roofs, trees, shrubs and hedges through to parks, allotments, ponds, woodlands, fields, lakes, canals and rivers. Together they provide “an interconnected network of green space that conserves natural ecosystem values and functions and provides associated benefits to human populations”5. Benefits are often thought of as ‘ecosystem services’: including the supply of food and fuel (provisioning services); flood, temperature and erosion control (regulating services); opportunities for recreation and relaxation (social/cultural services) and areas for biodiversity (supporting services)6. The importance of these services for health and wellbeing, sustainability and climate resilience is recognised by central government through its national ecosystem services assessments and associated programme of activities, tools and recommendations7,8.


This section shows how elements of green infrastructure can help to regulate local neighbourhood environments and therefore reduce people’s exposure to climate impacts and related extreme weather. It particularly centres on providing evidence about how urban green spaces (which can include related ‘blue’ space) help to modify high temperatures and the characteristics of surface water runoff.


The regulating services provided by green spaces are particularly valuable for adaptation in towns and cities given that this is where such services are often lacking and where most people live. Although this section centres on one set of functions, it should be remembered that green infrastructure is multi-functional. It provides a role in climate mitigation (carbon storage and sequestration), supports biodiversity and has wider health and wellbeing impacts which influence community resilience 9,10 including:

  • Regulating other environmental processes, such as air, water and noise pollution which in turn has financial benefits11.
  • Encouraging and providing space for exercise since people are 24% more likely to meet recommended standards of physical exercise if they live within 500m of accessible green space12.
  • Helping to support psychological wellbeing, education and child development13.
  • Providing spaces for social interaction and improving neighbourhood cohesion14.


The tendency of some neighbourhoods to increase the exposure of people to climate impacts can be compounded by other personal, environmental and social factors which make their residents particularly vulnerable. These include personal factors associated with sensitivity (e.g. due to age or poor health), factors associated with building characteristics (e.g. living in high rise buildings or buildings with basement accommodation) and social factors associated with adaptive capacity, including being on a low income, being socially isolated or being a tenant. People experiencing multiple causes of vulnerability are the most extremely socially vulnerable. See also Which places are disadvantaged?



Heatwaves and green infrastructure


Cities are prone to the 'Urban Heat Island' (UHI) effect, meaning that temperatures in cities are generally higher than in the rural areas which surround them15,16.  The extent of these differences varies with weather conditions, season and time of day, often being most marked during the night-time and sometimes not been shown at all. During heatwave events, temperatures in city centres can be particularly high since the weather conditions associated with such events – e.g.  low wind speeds and cloud-free conditions – also favour the development of the UHI effect. During the August 2003 heat-wave, a night-time UHI intensity of up to 9 degrees C was recorded in London17.  During 2010, air temperature measurements showed that Manchester’s daytime UHI was most commonly around 1 degrees C in both summer and winter, increasing to 1.5 degrees C during summer nights18. Extreme UHI intensities of up to 8 degrees C were recorded during some summer nights with even greater values during winter nights19, when the UHI effect generally provides benefits for people living in urban areas.


The UHI benefits urban residents in winter but can make people more likely to experience heat-related stress and discomfort in summer. Climate projections for the 2050s suggest that average summer night-time temperatures will be around 2-3 degrees C higher than today (based on the central estimate of the medium emissions scenario relative to 1961-90)20. This temperature increase will be felt most acutely in urban areas.


Heat-wave thresholds (Table 1) used to issue warnings and guidance to organisations and the wider public differ across the UK in recognition of the different temperatures which people are used to as a result of where they live in the country. However, they do not account for differences between urban and rural areas, except in London, by virtue of London having its own threshold value.



Day max (°C)

Night min (°C)

North East England



North West England    



Yorkshire and the Humber



West Midlands



East Midlands



East of England



Southeast England






Southwest England






Table 1: Heat-wave thresholds used as part of the Heat-Health Watch system which runs from 1st June to 15h September each year. Temperatures must be forecast to exceed thresholds on at least 2 consecutive days to trigger warnings21.


Green infrastructure has a cooling effect and helps to modify temperatures and the Urban Heat Island effect. For example, urban parks have been shown to be on average 1°C cooler than built-up areas and larger parks have a greater cooling effect22. The cooling effect can occur over considerable distances and be pronounced during the night-time when heatwaves can be particularly problematic. Measurements taken around Kensington Gardens (London) showed temperature reductions of up to 4°C and a cooling effect being felt up to distances of around 400m23.  However, interventions on smaller scales and in different forms – such as green roofs and street trees – can also have a local impact and are an important part of green infrastructure planning especially since many urban areas have limited opportunities to establish new green spaces24,25. The most effective measures include trees planted over grass, as long as grass is well watered26. Various evidence reviews and practitioner summaries, are available, for example:

  • Academic literature reviews 9, 11,27
  • Evidence and policy summaries for particular urban areas10,28,29
  • National or generic guidance12,32,33

Green infrastructure also helps to cool temperatures within buildings and reduces the demand for air conditioning, helping to meet wider mitigation policy goals. Neighbourhood green spaces like parks and street trees help to reduce peak summer temperatures over a broad geographical area and therefore also within buildings. Vegetation directly on or near a building also affects internal temperatures including through shading and, in the case of green roofs, through insulation. In summer, this reduces the demand for cooling energy and therefore carbon emissions and lowers the operating costs of any buildings which require artificial cooling11,32. Furthermore, if vegetation is deciduous it allows sunlight through during the winter months when shading is not required.     


Green infrastructure may be important for supporting other adaptation measures. For example, since green spaces also help to reduce noise33 and air pollution34,36 they may help to encourage residents to cool bedrooms by leaving windows open during the night during periods of hot weather. (See also Adapting Buildings and Six Steps to Flood Resilience)

The benefits of green infrastructure are particularly helpful where neighbourhood communities are highly vulnerable due to personal, social or other environmental factors, such as building types. Interventions which cool neighbourhoods or provide cool spaces within them may be helpful in a range of cases, for example for:

  • People on low incomes living in accommodation requiring adaptation who may not be able to afford the necessary adaptations to cool their homes in summer.
  • People in accommodation maintained or managed by others who may have limited capacity to make changes.
  • Sensitive people who may be living in accommodation which increases their exposure to high temperatures.   Older people who live in multi-occupancy flats may be particularly vulnerable because of a tendency for the flats to overheat and because it may be more difficult for occupants to easily gain access to outdoor spaces which may be cooler37. In addition, restrictions on window openings in care homes or in high-rise flats can make it difficult for occupants to self-moderate temperatures during hot weather.



Flooding and green infrastructure


For those living in urban areas, increased surface sealing by roofs, roads, car parks, walkways and paved over gardens reduces the ability of drainage systems to remove runoff created during intense rainfall events or as a result of flooding.Where water cannot be absorbed into the ground because of built surfaces (or surfaces which are otherwise impermeable such as due to being frozen, very wet or very dry) it forms surface runoff. This runoff is quickly channelled into any drainage systems. If the rates of rainfall and subsequent runoff are higher than the capacity of the drainage system it can cause surface water flooding.  


There are many ways that water from any sort of flood event can enter buildings and damage its structure, services and contents39. Although there are technologies available to prevent or reduce the problem, average costs of £4,700 per property40 can be prohibitive, and unaffordable to those on low incomes41 (See also Adapting Buildings).


Green infrastructure has a potential to modify rates of water flow over the ground and also provide areas for water storage during high rainfall or other flood events. For example, the Victoria Business Improvement District in London includes plans for 25ha of green roofs with the potential for handling some 80, 000m3 of runoff in an area known to be susceptible to surface water flooding41. Such initiatives can be expected to have wider community benefits for people working in the vicinity. Runoff reduction has been shown experimentally in Manchester for trees and for greenroofs through partnership between the University of Manchester, Red Rose Forest and Manchester City Council42,43. An analysis of 69 rainfall events in showed that an established green roof in Manchester city centre retained an average of two-thirds of runoff compared to only one third on a neighbouring conventional roof44. Figure 1 quantifies the considerable reduction in runoff expected by trees and especially by grass relative to neighbouring asphalt surfaces45. The reductions in runoff from tree and grass cover Trees in This reduction in runoff reduces the likelihood of drainage systems becoming overwhelmed. Green infrastructure is therefore often part of wider Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS) initiatives which may also include other design elements46. Various evidence reviews and practitioner summaries, are available, for example:

  • Academic literature reviews 9, 11,47
  • Evidence and policy summaries for particular urban areas10,48
  • National or generic guidance12,49, 50, 51

Figure 1: Runoff proportions for different surface covers based on experimental plots in Manchester in 201152


Green infrastructure is particularly helpful where local communities are highly vulnerable due to personal, social or other environmental factors, such as living in buildings which may be more likely to be affected by flooding, such as basement homes. Interventions which reduce the potential for flooding in the wider community may be helpful in a range of cases, for example for:

  • People on low incomes living in accommodation requiring adaptation.
  • People in accommodation maintained or managed by others who may have limited capacity to make changes.


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  1. CCRA (2012) Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary: Built Environment
  2. Houston, D., Werritty, A., Bassett, D., Geddes, A., Hoolachan, A. & McMillan, M. (2011) “Pluvial (rain-related) flooding in urban areas : the invisible hazard”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York
  3. Jones, S. and Somper, C. (2014) The role of green infrastructure in climate change adaptation in London The Geographical Journal, Vol. 180, No. 2, pp. 191–196
  4. Tzoulas, K. Korpela, K., Venn, S., Yli-Pelkonen, V., Kazmierczak, A., Niemela, J. and James, P. (2007) Promoting ecosystem and human health in urban areas using Green Infrastructure: A literature review Landscape and Urban Planning 81 167–178
  5. Benedict, MA, McMahon, ET (2001) page 5 Green Infrastructure: Smart Conservation for the 21st Century. The Conservation Fund. Sprawlwatch Clearinghouse Mono-graph Series
  6. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment. Island Press
  7. UKNEA (2011) UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Chapter 10 ‘Urban’ 
  8. UK Government (2013) Ecosystem Services guidance
  9. Tzoulas, K. Korpela, K., Venn, S., Yli-Pelkonen, V., Kazmierczak, A., Niemela, J. and James, P. (2007) Promoting ecosystem and human health in urban areas using Green Infrastructure: A literature review Landscape and Urban Planning 81 167–178 
  10. Jones, S. and Somper, C. (2014) The role of green infrastructure in climate change adaptation in London. The Geographical Journal, Vol. 180, No. 2, pp. 191–196 
  11. Wang, Y., Bakker, F., de Groot, R. Wörtche, H. (2014) Effect of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure on indoor environment: A literature review Building and Environment 77 (2014) 88-100 
  12. Defra (2010) What nature can do for you: A practical introduction to making the most of natural services, assets and resources in policy and decision making
  13. Shackell, A. and Walter, R. (2012). Greenspace design for health and well-being. Forestry Commission Practice Guide. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh 
  14. Wolch, J. R., Byrne, J., Newell, J. P (2014) Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’ Landscape and Urban Planning 125 234-244. 
  15. R. L. Wilby. 2003. Past and projected trends in London’s urban heat island. Weather, 58(7), 2003 
  16. Greater London Authority (2006) London’s Urban Heat Island: A Summary for Decision Makers
  17. Capon, R. and Oakley, G. (2012) Climate Change Risk Assessment for the Built Environment Sector
  18. Cheung, Kei Wang (2011) An urban heat island study for building and urban design. PhD thesis, University of Manchester
  19. Cheung, Kei Wang (2011) An urban heat island study for building and urban design. PhD thesis, University of Manchester 
  20. Capon, R. and Oakley, G. (2012) Climate Change Risk Assessment for the Built Environment Sector
  21. Met Office National Severe Weather Warning Service
  22. Bowler, D. E. Buyung-Ali, L., Knight, T. M and Pullin, A. S (2010) Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 147–155 
  23. Doick, K. J. Peace, A., Hutchings, T. R. (2014) The role of one large greenspace in mitigating London's nocturnal urban heat island Science of the Total Environment 493 662–671 
  24. Speak, A.F., Rothwell, J.J., Lindley, S.J. and Smith, C.L. "Reduction of the urban cooling effects of an intensive green roof due to vegetation damage." Urban Climate 3(2013) : 40-55. 
  25. Skelhorn, C., Lindley, S., Levermore, G. (2014) The impact of vegetation types on air and surface temperatures in a temperate city: A fine scale assessment in Manchester, UK Landscape and Urban Planning 121 (2014) 129–140 
  26. Smith, C (in prep) A review of green infrastructure for urban climate adaptation: Scales of influence 
  27. Smith, C (in prep) A review of green infrastructure for urban climate adaptation: Scales of influence 
  28. The Mersey Forest little book of messages
  29. Wilby, R.L. and Perry, G.L.W. (2006) Climate change, biodiversity and the urban environment: a critical review based on London, UK Progress in Physical Geography 30: 73-98 
  30. UK Government guidance on ecosystem services
  31. Town and Country Planning Association (2011) Adaptation by Design
  32. Skelhorn, C (in prep) Energy demand and greenspace: a practitioner summary 
  33. Dzhambov, A.M. and Dimitrova, D. D. (2014) Urban green spaces' effectiveness as a psychological buffer for the negative health impact of noise pollution: A systematic review Noise and Health 16: 70:157-165   
  34. Bealey, W.J. McDonald, A.G. Nemitz, E. Donovan, R. Dragosits, U.. Duffy, T.R Fowler, D. (2007) Estimating the reduction of urban PM10 concentrations by trees within an environmental information system for planners, Journal of Environmental Management, 85:1, 44-58 
  35. McDonald, A.G.. Bealey, W.J Fowler, D. Dragosits, U. Skiba, U. Smith, R.I. Donovan, R.G. Brett, H.E. Hewitt, C.N. Nemitz, E. (2007) Quantifying the effect of urban tree planting on concentrations and depositions of PM10 in two UK conurbations Atmospheric Environment, 41:38, 8455–8467 
  36. Tiwary, A., Sinnett, D., Peachey, C., Chalabi, Z., Vardoulakis, S. Fletcher, T., Leonardi, G., Grundy, C., Azapagic, A., Hutchings, T.R. (2009) An integrated tool to assess the role of new planting in PM10 capture and the human health benefits: A case study in London Environmental Pollution 157 2645–2653 
  37. Conditioning Demand: Older People, Diversity and Thermal Experience, Briefing Report 
  38. Houston, D., Werritty, A., Bassett, D., Geddes, A., Hoolachan, A. & McMillan, M. (2011) “Pluvial (rain-related) flooding in urban areas : the invisible hazard”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York 
  39. JBA/Environment Agency (2012) Evaluation of the Defra Property-level Flood Protection Scheme: 25918 
  40. Bichard, E. and Kazmierczak, A. 2012. Are homeowners willing to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change? Climatic Change 112: 633-654 
  41. Natural England, Green Infrastructure Case Study Greening for Growth in Victoria - Creating a vibrant and climate-resilient business area in the heart of London (NE395)
  42. Speak AF, Rothwell JJ, Lindley SJ, Smith CL. (2013) Rainwater runoff retention on an aged intensive green roof. Sci Total Environ. 2013 Sep 1;461-462:28
  43. University of Manchester i-trees project
  44. Speak AF, Rothwell JJ, Lindley SJ, Smith CL. (2013) Rainwater runoff retention on an aged intensive green roof. Sci Total Environ. 2013 Sep 1;461-462:28-38 
  45. Armson, D., Stringer, P., Ennos, A. R. (2013) The effect of street trees and amenity grass on urban surface water runoff in Manchester, UK Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12 282–286 
  46. HR Wallingford Descriptions of SuDS units
  47. Smith, C (in prep) A review of green infrastructure for urban climate adaptation: Scales of influence 
  48. Wilby, R.L. and Perry, G.L.W. (2006) Climate change, biodiversity and the urban environment: a critical review based on London, UK Progress in Physical Geography 30: 73-98 
  49. UK Government guidance on ecosystem services
  50. Town and Country Planning Association (2011) Adaptation by Design
  51. Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) (2010) Multi-Functional Urban Green Infrastructure: Briefing Report
  52. (copyright needed if figure used). Armson, D., Stringer, P., Ennos, A. R. (2013) The effect of street trees and amenity grass on urban surface water runoff in Manchester, UK Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12 282–286 

Green infrastructure is multi-functional and provides a wide range of benefits for local communities1


Credit: Climate UK

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Benefits for communities


Multiple policy objectives can therefore be tackled creating ‘win-win’ outcomes for local authorities and their partners in service delivery. A practitioner summary of multi-functional benefits from trees is available from Mersey Forest2. It sets out the benefits associated with health, adaptation, mitigation and economy. More detailed economic analysis of benefits has been carried out elsewhere, e.g. by Natural England3.


Green infrastructure provides a way to reach people in communities which are difficult to engage or where the adoption of other measures may be difficult. Community-level initiatives may be particularly important where it is less possible to use property level protection measures or where people are difficult to engage.


Green infrastructure is seen as a core and integral part of policy and practice at national and local scales and not an ‘added extra’.  Central government considers ecosystem services to be central to the process of delivering on a range of objectives associated with sustainable development, adaption and impact assessment4. Measures are therefore relevant for local plans, policies and guidance. A partnership approach is also encouraged by government in order to meet the multiple objectives with which green infrastructure and related ecosystem services are associated, e.g. through the community infrastructure levy, section 106 agreements (through which planning is aligned with wider policies5) and environmental impact assessments6. Other environmental legislation is also relevant to green infrastructure7,8.



Duties and responsibilities


Local authorities have statutory duties and a range of other responsibilities to help build resilient communities. Green infrastructure initiatives and the functions that they provide can help deliver wider goals of building healthy communities and redress inequalities between people and places. More information about some of the relevant legislation can be found in the presentation Why climate justice matters and also in the links below. A 2013 briefing document from the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) identifies links between green infrastructure and the planning systems in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:



Green infrastructure is one of the elements of building community resilience which is strongly related to the planning system.  The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF) and related National Planning Practice Guidance contain a set of statutory duties and policy links.  A core element of the framework is the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ and the requirement to guide development so that it provides social, environmental and economic benefits. Part of the remit is to provide high quality homes, support community health and wellbeing and help to deliver mitigation and adaptation to climate change. More information on the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance can be found at this DCLG online resource and within the presentation Why climate justice matters.



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  1. UK National Ecosystem Assessment publications
  2. The Mersey Forest Little Book of Messages
  3. Natural England (2014) Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of the Investment in the Environment 2
  4. Defra (2010) What nature can do for you: A practical introduction to making the most of natural services, assets and resources in policy and decision making
  5. DCLG (2006) Planning Obligations: Practice Guidance
  6. Jones, S. and Somper, C. (2014) The role of green infrastructure in climate change adaptation in London. The Geographical Journal, Vol. 180, No. 2, pp. 191–196 
  7. Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) (2010) Multi-Functional Urban Green Infrastructure: Briefing Report
  8. Natural England (2010) ‘Nature Nearby’ Accessible Natural Greenspace Guidance



Assess the nature of the problem in your area


Credit: Climate UK


Consider the vulnerabilities of neighbourhoods and building types in your area using the Climate Just map tool as a starting point for understanding community needs. These can be supplemented with locally held information about the characteristics of neighbourhoods in your local area, including average amounts of green space in different communities and how they compare to the national average.


Identify the magnitude and likelihood of hazards associated with the changing climate, including flooding and heat-waves.

  • Consider how patterns of vulnerable groups and neighbourhood characteristics compare with patterns of potential exposure to flooding and heat-waves.
  • Draw on existing risk assessments, adaptation tools such as the UKCP09 projections and the UKCP18 (which will update UKCP09 over UK land areas and sea-level rise, giving greater regional detail) as well as other local information (for example following UKCIP's Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCLIP) process). See this example of an LCLIP for Greater Manchester.
  • Examine the impacts of extreme weather events including their location, timing, costs and the effectiveness of responses by using the Severe Weather Impacts Monitoring System (SWIMS) tool to record local experiences and support continuous learning.

Keep informed about emerging evidence, policy recommendations and tools through the National Ecosystem Services Assessment programme of activities, the Government’s Ecosystem Services guidance and the Town and country Planning Association (TCPA) Green Infrastructure Partnership.


Review the case studies in the Further Resources section to see what others have done.

Take ‘an ecosystems approach’ through which green infrastructure and its services can be considered throughout your decision making process. This is defined in the Government’s Ecosystem Services guidance as “a way of looking at the natural environment throughout your decision making process that helps you to think about the way that the natural environment works as a system. In doing so you will also be thinking about the spatial scale of your interactions with the natural environment, the range of constraints and limits at play and the people involved in supplying and receiving ecosystem services and benefits. Carrying out economic valuation of the ecosystem services involved will help you to incorporate the value of the natural environment in your decision”.


Consider the types of green space which can be established or enhanced in your local area. The National Ecosystem Services Assessment identified the following land uses as associated with urban green infrastructure:


  • natural and semi-natural greenspace (woodlands, Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), urban forestry and scrub)
  • street trees
  • public parks and formal gardens
  • domestic gardens
  • green corridors
  • outdoor sports facilities and recreational areas
  • amenity greenspace
  • allotments, community gardens and urban farms
  • cemeteries, churchyards and burial grounds
  • previously developed land (brownfield)
  • water, e.g. lakes, ponds, rivers (including Sustainable Urban Drainage initiatives)
  • peri-urban areas (or the area between the edge of built up zones and the wider countryside)

Fine-scale and building-level interventions such as green/brown roofs and green walls can also be added to this list and this emphasises that initiatives can be established even where there is limited space. Individually benefits may be small, but each makes a contribution as part of wider greening strategies.


Review existing local plans for green infrastructure development, generate an evidence base and develop a set of actions. If a green infrastructure plan is not available, step-by-step guidelines are available.

  • See for example the Mersey Forest Guidelines and actions developed by the Landscape Institute3:
    • Identify the most locally important and achievable benefits for your specific local area. Refer back to the evidence identified at the start of this resource for more information.
    • Inventory existing resources and assess the potential for the introduction or improvement of elements of green infrastructure, including into vacant or previously developed land. Mapping resources and benefits can help to give new perspectives on existing resources and establish where interventions are most needed4.
    • Connect small initiatives into a larger whole, e.g. patches of green and blue spaces into corridors and networks.
    • Promote green infrastructure standards and goals within local planning activities
    • Develop partnerships of relevant organisations with a stake in delivering and benefiting from green infrastructure interventions, including with local businesses.
    • Ensure that maintenance issues are considered and accounted for.
    • Make specific consideration of the role of interventions in relation to managing the impacts of climate change and extreme weather.
    • Account for local characteristics in the development of interventions, including historical contexts.
    • Assess the benefits and potential drawbacks of green infrastructure and identify ways that these can be effectively managed. For example, local communities may have concerns about greening interventions, e.g. perceptions about street tree planting resulting in darker, less safe neighbourhoods, or how tree roots might impact building foundations.  Green infrastructure itself may also be affected by climate change5 and so schemes will need to consider which measures, vegetation species and management regimes will maximise resilience while continuing to yield a full set of benefits.


Consider issues of environmental justice and tackle inequalities in the distribution of green infrastructure benefits. Patterns of existing green spaces and their benefits are often disproportionately distributed and tend to benefit better off communities6. Improved consideration of patterns of greenspace size, quality and accessibility can help to redress some of the other social inequalities which exist between people and communities. Although large scale initiatives can yield important outcomes, these are not always possible. Furthermore, some researchers have suggested that smaller scale interventions may help to retain community cohesion and character over the longer term7


Use green infrastructure related interventions as a means of improving community engagement and cohesion. Community-based measures can help to develop and enhance social networks. Furthermore engagement on a green infrastructure related issue can help to provide the foundation for a two-way process of engagement on other local issues. 

See the map tool for more information.


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  1. Landscape Institute (2011) Local Green Infrastructure Helping communities make the most of their landscape
  2. Kazmierczak, A and Carter, J (2010) Adaptation to climate change using green and blue infrastructure. A database of case studies GRaBS project, University of Manchester 
  3. Landscape Institute (2011) Local Green Infrastructure Helping communities make the most of their landscape  
  4. Butlin et al (2011) The Value of Mapping Green Infrastructure
  5. Wilby, R.L. and Perry, G.L.W. (2006) Climate change, biodiversity and the urban environment: a critical review based on London, UK Progress in Physical Geography 30: 73-98 
  6. Wolch, J. R., Byrne, J., Newell, J. P (2014) Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’ Landscape and Urban Planning 125 234-244  
  7. Wolch, J. R., Byrne, J., Newell, J. P (2014) Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’ Landscape and Urban Planning 125 234-244.


Actions to take


  1. Review the recommended general actions.

  1. Join relevant networks and access more specific information portals to learn more and to keep up to date. For example:


  1. Understand more about the arguments for why green infrastructure is relevant to a range of decision-makers working in different areas of policy and practice2.


  1. Get ideas from existing case studies, such as those listed in the previous section. The Environment Agency has additional case studies.


  1. Build a local evidence base using a range of available tools and guidance3. This will help in the process of considering how and where green infrastructure can be established within local communities. The ClimateJust maps can be used to identify where there is specific need for green infrastructure and related green and blue spaces. This can consider the potential for, and likely severity of, climate and extreme weather impacts but importantly should also consider places where there are high levels of social vulnerability or climate disadvantage. 
  • Think about the building stock which houses vulnerable communities in your area and the green infrastructure adaptation measures which might be appropriate for them.
  • Think about what can be adopted in the wider community in order to deliver benefits without the need for individual action by householders. 
  • Remember that green infrastructure does not always need to be at the building scale and neighbourhood initiatives can benefit multiple households in the local area.


  1. Consider how and why green infrastructure solutions may be resisted by local communities and how concerns might be overcome.
  • Think about possible drawbacks of green infrastructure initiatives. For example, do members of the community have concerns about the adoption of certain types of green space interventions which need to be addressed? Are there potential negative impacts which need to be managed?   Are there ways to involve local communities in evidence building and the assessment of the success of schemes?
  • Involve local communities in establishing greening initiatives. See guidance for local communities to help them to establish local green spaces.


  1. Consider other possible negative outcomes from interventions and how they can be managed. This will include planning for maintenance of green infrastructure and considering how interventions themselves are resilient to future climate changes.


  1. Address issues of environmental justice by determining how your local area meets existing green infrastructure standards.
  • Natural England’s Accessible Natural Greenspace Standards (ANGSt) and associated guidance provides a basis for identifying need and the extent of current provision4.
  • Other assessment methodologies which consider wider green infrastructure functions are also helpful, such as Mersey Forest’s green infrastructure planning framework (see Figure 2) which can be combined with a mapping approach5,6.


Figure 2: Framework for assessing ecosystem service provision and need linked to policy recommendations7


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  1. Natural England (2014) Green Infrastructure Signposting
  2. Defra (2010) What nature can do for you. A practical introduction to making the most of natural services, assets and resources in policy and decision making
  3. The Mersey Forest and the University of Manchester (2011). STAR tools: surface temperature and runoff tools (for assessing the potential of green infrastructure in adapting urban areas to climate change)
  4. Natural England (2010) ‘Nature Nearby’ Accessible Natural Greenspace Guidance 
  5. The Mersey Forest (2010). Liverpool Green Infrastructure Strategy. Commissioned by Liverpool City Council Planning Business Unit and Liverpool Primary Care Trust. 
  6. Butlin et al (2011) The Value of Mapping Green Infrastructure
  7. Adapted from The Mersey Forest (2010). Liverpool Green Infrastructure Strategy. Commissioned by Liverpool City Council Planning Business Unit and Liverpool Primary Care Trust. 



On this page:



Tools and resources




Type of Resource

Local Green Infrastructure

Helping communities make the most of their landscape

Landscape Institute (2011)

Guidance document

Nature Nearby

Accessible Natural Greenspace Guidance: covering how local green space access can be assessed, improved and enhanced and the policy context for action.

Natural England (2010)

Guidance document

North West Green Infrastructure Guide

North West Green Infrastructure Think Tank (2008)

Guidance document

Ecosystems Services

Resources to support the adoption of an ‘Ecosystems Approach’ covering evidence, information to support awareness-raising, case studies and tools for valuing ecosystem services and a rationale for action.


Guidance and tools

Practice Guide

For designing greenspace for enhancing health and wellbeing

Forestry Commission with Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, NHS Scotland and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit

Guidance document

Signposting of Green Infrastructure information

Covers aspects of development and maintenance

Natural England (2014)


STAR tools

User-friendly models for estimating local surface temperature and run-off profiles (tools for assessing the potential of green infrastructure in adapting urban areas to climate change)

Mersey Forest and the University of Manchester


Brighter Futures Together Toolkit

Guidelines for Local Communities wishing to develop community green spaces

Sustainable Communities North East Initiative (SCNEI)


What nature can do for you?

A practical introduction to making the most of natural services, assets and resources in policy and decision making


Defra (2010)








Type of Resource

Adaptation by Design

Provides a concise and easy-to-understand introduction to solutions at building, neighbourhood and conurbation scale.

Town and Country Planning Association (2011)


Briefing on Green Infrastructure in the United Kingdom (2013) Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Briefing Document

Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’

Landscape and Urban Planning 125 234-244.

Discussion of issues associated with green infrastructure and environmental justice.

Wolch et al (2014)

Journal Article

The role of green infrastructure in climate change adaptation in London

The Geographical Journal, Vol. 180, No. 2, pp. 191–196

Jones and Somper (2014)

Journal Article

Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence

Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 147–155

Literature review and a meta-analysis of green space cooling impacts

Bowler et al (2010)

Academic Article

Effect of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure on indoor environment: A literature review

Building and Environment 77 (2014) 88-100

Literature review of the benefits of urban green infrastructure on indoor environments, including cost savings from cooling and air quality.

Wang et al (2014)

Journal Article

UK National Ecosystem Assessment

Extensive review of ecosystem services associated with different types of green space. Follow-up documents are also available via the UK NEA website.





Case Studies




Type of Resource

Green infrastructure case studies from across the UK

Fact sheet summaries of a range of different interventions in urban and rural areas.

Natural England

Set of online case studies

Case studies showing opportunities for Green Infrastructure

Interventions for flood management and SUDS, biodiversity planning and ecological networks

Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

Case studies in a report of green infrastructure benefits.

The role of Green Infrastructure and selected case studies

Relevant strategies and case studies (2016)

Environment Agency Presentation

Local green infrastructure

A set of eight case studies of green infrastructure interventions

Landscape Institute

Case studies in a report of green infrastructure benefits.

Tree and Woodland strategy case studies

Developed as part of the 2011 London Plan implementation framework 'Green Infrastructure & Open Environment case studies'

Mayor of London and Forestry Commission (2013)

Two case studies in report format.

The value of mapping green infrastructure

Case studies illustrating what can be gained from mapping and assessment local resources

Mersey Forest and the Ordnance Survey



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