Case studies

Case studies

This set of case studies helps to illustrate different ways in which Climate Justice is starting to be applied in practice around the country. We welcome offers of further examples that will help other practitioners to take action themselves.


Adaptation to address inequalities research (Newcastle)

Newcastle City Council jointly funded a PhD with Northumbria University to explore whether it was possible to adapt to climate change whilst also reducing inequalities (one of the Council's key priorities).

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EcoCities project: working with academic partners (Greater Manchester)

The EcoCities project developed tools and resources to help improve understanding of where extreme weather events are likely to occur and who and what are most vulnerable to them in Greater Manchester

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Building community resilience to flooding (Hampshire)

The benefits of a community resilience approach to flood risk management in a Hampshire village that has suffered two major floods in the last 20 years.

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Liverpool's Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder

A community resilience to flooding project in a deprived area of Liverpool, involving a number of interventions.

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Practical action to build community resilience: the Good Life initiative (York)

This case study is relevant to organisations trying to stimulate pro-environmental behavior change and improve community resilience including social landlords, third-sector groups or local communities themselves.

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Snow clearing and Community Resilience Scheme (Hovingham)

This case study is about how a small village in North Yorkshire established a group to clear snow during the winter of 2010 so that people, carers, and businesses in the area could carry on their regular activities as far as possible. 

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Emergency Services

Applying Climate Just in Salford and Trafford

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service used Climate Just to analyse and quantify exposure and vulnerability to flooding in Salford and Trafford whilst examining the potential for targeting safety advice to vulnerable people.

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Health Sector

Applying Climate Just in Liverpool

The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust is working on climate change adaptation as part of its NHS sustainability commitments and has used Climate Just to help engage and influence staff and partners. 

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Health Sector

Retrofitting hospitals to reduce overheating risk

To support policymakers and practitioners to understand the role of building design in mitigating overheating risk and improving energy efficiency, researchers from the University of Cambridge (UK) and University of Loughborough (UK) analysed building adaptations, to mitigate overheating risk, for  NHS hospitals built in the 1960s.

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Local Authority

Applying Climate Just in Greater Manchester

New Economy, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s policy and research arm, embedded data from Climate Just into their bespoke local interactive mapping system ‘MappingGM’, and made this combined data available to the public. 

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Local Authority

Applying Climate Just in Hull

Hull City Council has been using Climate Just to help engage particular groups of staff and external bodies and inform them about different climate impacts and the risks to socially vulnerable groups. 

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Local Authority

Applying Climate Just in Staffordshire

Staffordshire County Council has used Climate Just to identify communities with climate disadvantage and to inform its approach to community resilience in response, in partnership with a range of local organisations.

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Local Authority

Climate change action planning (Wigan)

The case study is of relevance to local authorities and other local stakeholders interested in ensuring their service provision meets the needs of and contributes to the resilience of local communities in the UK. 

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Local Authority

Climate justice, environmental hazards and community resilience (Newcastle)

Newcastle City Council has mapped data on pluvial flood disadvantage to identify the relationship between social vulnerability and exposure to the hazard of surface water flooding.


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Local Authority

Community Flood Warden Scheme (Doncaster)

This case study is about how communities and service providers in Doncaster were able to learn from flooding events in 2007 in order to develop a community flood warden scheme in flood affected areas.

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Local Authority

Extreme weather mapping tool (Leeds)

The aim of this project was to create a GIS mapping tool that would allow partners of Leeds City Council to prepare for and respond to climate change related extreme weather, for both strategic planning and emergency responses.

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Local Authority

Health promotion and climate mitigation in Middlesbrough

While climate change poses threats to health, many of the measures that could be taken in order to mitigate and adapt to climate change have co-benefits in terms of health and wellbeing. This case study sets out how Middlesbrough Council has been addressing climate change and its public health implications.

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Local Authority

SHINE project on fuel poverty & excess winter deaths (Islington)

This case study would be informative for those considering strategies and partnerships to reduce fuel poverty and excess winter deaths and hospital admissions locally.  

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Local Authority

Social housing retrofit for energy and overheating (London)

How two tower blocks in the London Borough of Barking and Daggenham were retrofitted to improve energy efficiency and reduce overheating.

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Local Authority

Social vulnerability assessment (Hampshire)

This case study outlines how Hampshire County Council initiated an assessment of social vulnerability. It will be helpful for other local authorities wishing to gain an insight into social vulnerability in their area as a means to target resources.

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Voluntary Sector

Applying Climate Just in Plymouth

Plymouth Citizens Advice has used the Climate Just website and map tool to make a case for funding to support its energy advice work for local people experiencing fuel poverty. 

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Voluntary Sector

Community engagement in flood risk management (South Tyneside)

This case study outlines the activities that were undertaken to implement local and natural solutions to flood risks.

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Voluntary Sector

Creating a Flood Action Group (Buckingham)

The National Flood Forum, a national charity that began in 2002, supports and represents people and communities at risk of flooding. This case study focuses on how Flood Action 4 Buckingham (FA4B) was established and how they support the local community.

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Voluntary Sector

Engaging the voluntary sector in climate adaptation (Bristol)

In November 2015, a number of representatives of voluntary and community sector organisations in Bristol participated in a workshop to discuss the impacts of climate change on the services they provide to some of Bristol’s most socially vulnerable people.

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Voluntary Sector

Helping reduce social isolation during extreme weather: Snow Angels (Cheshire)

‘Snow Angels’, a community interest company (CIC), aims to support vulnerable people, including older people, by promoting general community resilience to deal with extreme weather.

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Voluntary Sector

Sustainable housing scheme incorporating SuDS (York)

A new large housing development in York with 40% affordable homes has been designed with a range of sustainable design features, including sustainable drainage to reduce flood risk.

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Voluntary Sector

Vulnerable people and climate change (NCVO programme)

National Council For Voluntary Organisation’s (NCVO) Vulnerable People and Climate Change project worked with 51 voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) to explore how climate change could affect their work and beneficiaries.

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