

Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs)

LLFAs are Unitary Authorities or County Councils. They are responsible for developing, maintaining and applying a strategy for local flood risk management in their areas and for maintaining a register of flood risk assets. They also have lead responsibility for managing the risk of flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses., 2014

Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCLIP)

LCLIP is a simple tool designed to help organisations to assess their exposure to the weather. It can be used as a standalone tool, or as a step in a risk-based framework such as the Adaptation Wizard.1 An online version is now available through Kent County Council’s Severe Weather Impacts Monitoring System (SWIMS) tool.2


  1. UKCIP website
  2. Kent County Council. The SWIMS tool is now hosted by Climate UK.

Local Resilience Fora

Multi-agency partnerships made up of representatives from local public services, including the emergency services, local authorities, the NHS, the Environment Agency and others. These agencies are known as Category 1 Responders, as defined by the Civil Contingencies Act., 2014

Localism Act 2011

Statutory powers to devolve more decision-making around planning and housing to the local level, including to local communities. 


A plain English Guide to the Act 


Full text of the Act 

Long-term unemployment

Defined where a person has been continuously claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance  for 12 months or more., 2013

Lower Super Output Area

Compact areas with around 1,000-3,000 residents with similar social characteristics. LSOAs are used in England and Wales for reporting social statistics, for example the census.